Here We Go Again!

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We had a small group this morning at Bukit Aman. The 2-week school holidays probably got many on a vacation. The good news was that we had 5 newcomers, of which 2 were complete beginners. Another good thing was that all came properly attired and in proper running shoes. As 3 of the runners were of decent shape, I had to modify my run today to cover a little more distance than the usual Saturdays, which was good. My workout of alternating fast and slow pace as I plied between the leaders and the slower ones gave rise to a workout I now call "Modified Intervals" - a combination of fartlek and intervals. To end the session, I charged up the entire stretch of hill leading back to the car park. It was a good workout and I'll try to run again tomorrow. Back at the car park, Coach Chan was busy readying his charges for another biking and running session. Most of his disciples were there.
Yesterday was filled with colourful expletives (all these went on in my mind lah, you think I was crazy to shout them out meh?). I was in fact impressed with my repertoire of choice words. By 6:05pm I was out of the office and had PM18 for company. Even before I was 3 steps into my run, my boss called. Chatted on the phone while I slowed to a walk. By the time we resumed, we had walked a few minutes. Our first 3 laps were of comfortable pace about 8 minutes per lap. Then I decided to pick up the pace for the final one and completed it in 5:51.96, not a spectacular time but I'm nevertheless happy. Now we're looking forward to the PAR Run next Saturday.
My damn phone is a hotline! My name is the flavour of the month! My mailbox is bursting its seams! My fingers can't keep up with my thought train! My low-end-no-display phone don't allow me to screen unproductive calls! The fax toner cartridge is out at the most inopportune time!
So there, my rant is over...for now.
The next run for me is the PAR Run followed by the PJ Half Marathon. Again, with next-to-no training, I shall call upon the "Spirit of Pia" to see me through both events. Coined by Tey, this never-say-die attitude is typical of Der_Pacemakers and is usually visible near the end of the race as the runner winces his way to the finish. The "lau-sai" look is also etched into his countenance.
It you'd watched this 1994 movie, you'd have remembered this scene where Morgan Freeman's character, Red, was seated in front of a parole hearing for the umpteenth time. Fully expecting to be rejected yet again, he let the parole officer have a piece of his mind. Well, if you read the script, do you think he'd gotten his parole? He did. This is simply a wonderful movie. If you haven't watch it, please do.
Red: Rehabilitated? Well, Now let me see. You know, I don't have any idea what that means.
1967 Parole Hearings Man: Well, it means that you're ready to rejoin society.
Red: I know what *you* think it means, sonny. To me it's just a made up word; a politician's word. So young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie, and have a job. What do you really want to know? Am I sorry for what I did?
1967 Parole Hearings Man: Well, are you?
Red: There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret. Not because I'm in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then, a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don't give a shit.
With the exception of a few more race reports and some articles worth publishing, I've completed the race reports and had them posted to the right side bar of the blog. They're just below the Fave links. Note that for the time the links within the reports may still be functioning but most will not work. That's the compromise I've had to settle for takes another step to being scuttled. If you hit any linkage issue please let me know via the comment box of this posting. Thanks!
While not exactly the Hayward Field, the Van Damme nor the Crystal Palace, 36 runners will congregate at the KLCC Park to commemorate the 2nd running of Der_Pacemakers Anniversary Run (PAR Run). Instead of running for personal glories, the group will be running for their respective teams. While the theme is fellowship and fun, there will certainly be some spirit of competitiveness courtesy of some who just couldn't banish the spirit of "pia" even for a fun run. I can almost picture the race report now:
9 runners take their respective places at the hallowed stretch of the KLCC Park, the stretch fronting the famed Bench. The 9 bend low as they focus on the task of running probably their fastest 2 laps of their lives, ears cocked for the signal to blast off. A few even struck the Pre pose, much to the amusement of those in the know. The air is so thick with tension that you can slice it through with a knife.
Suddenly at the drop of a flag, the 9 take off, immediately jostling for space on the narrow track. Within 50 metres, the pretenders and the contenders have already been separated. The fast ones huffing loudly their arms swinging hard as they aim to clock a sub sub-6-minute first lap to stay in contention. The 4 merciless cast aside the strollers in the park which the slower runners struggle to keep in sight of them but it is an obvious exercise if futility.
The tricky course presents a big challenge to the uninitiated. Much like a cross-country course without the mud and tree roots, the KLCC course is very undulating and twists and turns its way throughout its 1.3K loop. Along the way, and in place of the tree roots, one has to fight his way through other obstacles such as human traffic oblivious, this morning, to the matters at stake.
The lead pack pass the first lap in an ultra fast time - an average of 5:33. No doubt the second will be very painful. Already the limbs are already stiff from the exertion - rigour mortis in a living state. One wonders if it is even possible. The pack behind can hardly be called a chasing pack with their lap time nearly a minute apart. But they gamely push on, for the sake of their teams. The second lap is developing into a battle. Of the 4 runners, 2 have begun to break away. In such a such race, there is simply no tactics. Just run as hard as you can. Eyeballs out, lung burning, leave everything on the track effort. There can be only 1 way to run this race. All notions of it being a fellowship run had gone out of the window 3 minutes into the start. The other 2 responded to the breakaway as they charge past the KLCC pool on their right, the onlookers shaking their heads in disbelief. But the leading 2 have more in reserves, their track experience being called into play now. Like the gutteral roar of a turbo-charger, they break free of the chasing duo, then employing a deadly kick, finish their 2nd lap totally spent and bent double. It has been a neck to neck finish for the 2 and the other 2 are not that far behind with only 4.5 seconds out. The long dropped back 4 will need nearly 1.5 minutes before finishing their lap, the gulf in standards all too obvious.
Now their team mates will need to go through the same battle.
I do sometimes dream that I was running and in those dreams, I always experience the sensation that I'm running very quickly yet never seem to gain any ground. Those legs were kicking and spinning like crazy to the point of tripping all over myself to the point that I could feel the overriding anxiety. Very freaky. Last night, it was the same feeling. But the race was a team-based 2-lapper around a track. In place of the PAR Run 2.6K, each of us were to sprint 800m all out. When it came to my turn, the sky had turned dark and the atmosphere became increasingly despairing, as I was the only one left on the track. Then my alarm sounded.
My Palm (M515) has been with me for the last 4 years. I started out using quite a bit of it - from the standard organizer applications to some MS Office editing via the wireless keyboard. I had some pretty addictive games installed as well. With quite a bit applications installed and data stored, I've not had the need to use the SD card expansion slot. Such was the efficiency of the Palm operating system. Try doing that with Windows Mobile. However as years go by, my needs changed. My use of the Palm has been reduced down to the usual Contact list, Calendar, and a few data files. Even though its form factor is pretty slim, it's still a little wide. After doing some extensive research, I thought a reasonably good mobile phone would be a good substitute.
My budget is less than RM1,000 and I'm done with the PDA built (so no Dopod, O2 mini for me). I'm willing to sacrifice the Office data editing (not needed) and EDGE and 3G (both over-hyped). A good camera and display would be fantastic, so is having an MP3 player, easy to use keypad, Java or Symbian o/s, expansion slot, bluetooth and IR. A radion would also be a bonus. My audition included the good looking Motorola L7 (nice looks and features but bad interface), the Nokia 6820 (built quality below par), my wife's K700 (crappy keypad but otherwise not too bad). Finally I settled for the K750i. Originally retailed at RM1490 when first launched about a year back, it now sells for RM900 which I thought was a good deal. It comes with all the bells and whistles including a very well reviewed screen and a 2-megapixel autofocus/built-in flash camera (best in class then and still one of the best for a camera-phone). I topped off the purchase by adding another 512MB memory stick. The camera functions are pretty impressive. Not only it comes with the above-mentioned flash, it has macro mode, burst, panorama, special effects, timer, digital zoom among others. Since the purchase, I've also loaded a few of songs and selected chapters of an audiobook into it. I've also found the stereo speakers to be very clear. the MP3 player allows you to select some settings from the equalizer but really just enabling the MegaBass is good enough. I've been syncing my data and calendar book from my notebook and so far I'm totally happy with the unit.
This evening the family went to Alamanda for a stroll. While Carbokid happily played at the park, Carbo Woman went power walking in her new NBs. I took the chance to test out the camera. Below are a few sample of the photos I took.
Macro with no white balance
Macro with white balance (image a bit more yellowish)
Panorama (this is an interesting shot). The camera actually splits the image into 3 and marks for me the borders for each shot so that I can align the next shot nicely. As it's too wide to post here, you can click here to view.
Black & White
The fountain at the Alamanda
Playful fella
All in all I'm loving this phone. this certainly serves as an alternative to carrying a real camera while running, while I don't see myself doing that. In any case, going on family day trips need not involve bringing one along anymore. If you want to read the reviews, head on to the following sites: GSM Arena | Mobile Review | CNet
I've decided to sunset as I simply can't cope with managing so many sites. As it is, my hands are full in handling, and this blog. My wires are all twisted when it comes to writing for each site. As the entire content in my personal site is huge, I've to make decisions on what to migrate over to my blog (yes, Carbo Man's blog will act as my personal site from December onwards). As you can see, I've completed the migration of the links. Next would be to think about how to convert all those precious race reports over to the blog. I'm considering converting them to pdf and having them hosted out of Ripway. Perhaps there's another more reliable free document hosting site out there?
I ran again on Friday. Another 4-lapper. Weather was great, post-shower. Bryan, the Aussie guy was there too. He said that the raining season was great - he could enjoy the whole track to himself! I'll keep to 4 and 5 lappers the whole of next week before increasing the workouts to 6 laps. My sense of pacing - an indication of my level of fitness and awareness - is still pretty off.
8:32 > 8:19 > 7:52 > 7:12
Average lap: 7:59 (through experience, this is the best speed for endurance building for me)
Total: 31:57
The first RunnersMalaysia Beginners' Running Program kicked off rather well. 11 participants turned up that morning and they were a mixture of capabilities. A couple had run distances up to 7 or 10K while most had never done that far before. After a short talk by Dr William Chan, my partner Wan took the runners through a stretching session and afterwhich a briefing on the route. After the session, I gave a short talk on foot types and on selecting the proper running shoes. I was very glad to have Justin and Kevin joining us - it was great to catch up with them after such a long time. At the end of it, I felt really great to be able to share my experience to these newbies. Hopefully word will spread and we'll have more joining us in the coming weeks. For more info and photos pls hit this link.
Yesterday was the first time I managed back-to-back runs in a long time. The weather was once again excellent. After a blazing hot afternoon, the skies darkened and it rained, cooling everything down. By the time I stepped out the downpour had stopped. I started very conservatively (I'm unable to do any faster these days!) and gradually lowered the lap times. Midway through the 4th lap I felt that I could still go, so I did one more. After Wed's 4 laps, yesterday's 5 seems to be a bonus. But I think I'll hover around 4-5 laps for another week before pushing it to 6 or 7 the following week. Patience wins the day.
8:37 > 8:23 > 7:55 > 7:34 > 6:32
Average lap: 7:48
Total: 39:03
RunnersMalaysia, with the support of Powerbar, is launching the Beginner's Running Program this Saturday May 6th 7:30am at the Bukit Aman Car Park. You're most welcome to join us or better yet bring along someone whom you think are interested to take up running. The program is based on the NYRRC's beginner's program and we're focusing on the basics of the sport which are stretching, the run/walk routine of up to 3K. There will also be a short talk by Dr William Chan. For more info, please click on the banner above. Please help spread the word!
We're also featured in The Star Metro today! Click on the image to read the article or hit this link. Together we can do more for the sport!