Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Coffee, My Friend

The good thing about the 5am runs is that I'm already conditioning my body to face the 3am flag off for the Penang Bridge Marathon. That's training specificity. The other good thing (if you can see it that way) is that I occasionally have lost motorists, stray dogs, owls and cows (I'm serious) for company. I've ran into a couple of large owls who suddenly flew past me (and scared me shitless!) and a herd of cows. I can handle the cows as I can detect their presence via my olfactory sense. There's been no problems with the dogs as well as I'd give them a heads up that I'm approaching by slapping on my thighs or clapping - yup, they don't like to be surprised too. They usually run off when they see/hear me. I've twice been stopped by passing cab drivers and motorists who can't get their bearings right. The patrolling guards around my neighbourhood had gotten used to my presence and it's good to run into them while on my rounds.
To get over the loneliness of my runs, I sometimes listen to my iPod albeit for safety reasons I only wear one side of the earphones. My playlist are loaded with uptempo tunes as the last thing I want is doze off and run into a ditch.
Now that you've finished reading this post, why not take part in my latest poll on the right?
Monday, March 26, 2007
End Of One & Start Of Another One...And A Scare
Friday, March 23, 2007
When It Rains...
- It's the best time to run, coz that's when 95% of runners skip their workouts
- The tracks are free of human traffic
- The roads are going to be log-jammed
- It's an opportunity to put in a second workout of the day
- It's a good time to introduce your relatively new shoe to the puddles
- Your 8 laps feel like 5
- Your 5:30 pace feels like 6:00
- Other people think you're crazy to be out there doing laps but it's OK coz you feel great challenging the norms
- The conditions add satisfaction to the completion of the training run
Thursday, March 22, 2007
A Message In The Disruption
Monday, March 19, 2007
KLIM 2007 (Half Marathon) Race Report
This is not a race
Yup, you read that right. I didn't approach this as a race but merely a stepping stone towards my full rehabilitation as a marathoner. This morning's run was to allow me to gauge if my training has been in the right direction and also as a proving ground.
Having laid out my gear, including breakfast the night before, I was out the door pretty quickly. Breakfast was a puff pastry with half a cup of hot Milo. In the 3 Nike bottles were some concoction (nothing illegal, I assure you) in varying degrees of dilution. I don't concoct things on race day so this confirms that the morning run was part of my training for the big one. I also opted not to wear the Forsters after testing it out on a tempo run yesterday. I felt that my condition had not reached the level where I can do away with added cushioning and support. I carried a pack of GU gel and a pack of Agel.
For the full report, click here.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Nike+iPod Trial Session
After the adidas' office, visiting Nike's spanking new office was quite an experience itself. The common theme running (pun intended) through these sporting giants' premises are tradition and products. In Nike's case, the conference rooms are all named after legends and their best-loved products. There's the AirMax room, the Sphere room and the Bowerman room, which I found it hard not to take a picture of, even though it's just the door! And this is just Nike Malaysia. I can't imagine how wide-eyed I'd be if I'm at the Nike Campus, Niketown or the many parts of Oregon such as Beaverton or Portland. I'd be like a little kid in a candy store.
Let me know what you think of this Nike+iPod device.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
The (Not So) SMART Tunnel Run
It took me 2 months to kick-start my 2007 at the races, and 6 months since I ran more than twice a week and even longer since I really put a training program to serious work. With my weekly mileage hovering about 70% of my max planned, my approach to this run was that of training, just to lock up the week's workout before the start of a fresh one. I was deliberating up to last night on my run plan when I finally decided to adopt a conservative start and if physical conditions permit, will run at LT pace.
To read the full report, click here!
Labels: Penang Marathon Training, Race Report, SMART Tunnel Run
Saturday, March 10, 2007
What's new from asics, Ecco, Keen

Video grab of the chat with the Saucony representative
Join Special Projects Editor Warren Greene as he travels to the top gear tradeshows to see the latest trends.
World Shoes Accessories Convention, Day 1
See the latest shoes from Ryka (MC2), Teva (Raptor), Saucony (Trigon 5) and New Balance (882) with Brand Editor Warren Greene

This is the women's model. Looks good, with fewer overlays
World Shoes Accessories Convention, Day 2
After a morning run in the Red Rock Canyon Recreation Area (check out the scenery!), Brand Editor Warren Greene sits down with Asics (Kinsei 2) and Avia to see their latest products.

The never-before released image of the Kinsei 2. Addressed the heel-to-toe transition issues of Kinsei 1
Labels: Running Shoes, Videos
Satisfying Friday Run
On another note, I learnt that tomorrow Tunnel run distance is actually 16K instead of 14K. That means it's going to be a 10-miler and I'll be going the furthest so far at this stage of my training.
Note to Mitch: Thanks for your feedback on Endurox. Yup, I refuelled within 2 hours. If you've your own blog, please send me the URL. You can find my email in the RunnersMalaysia website. Cheers!
Labels: Penang Marathon Training, SMART Tunnel Run
Friday, March 09, 2007
Setting Things Up For the Weekend
TOF was 45 minutes plus while the average road pace was 5:50, which is a marginally quicker pace than the day before. Today's run will definitely need to be a 6 miler but run at a comfortably easy pace. Tomorrow is strictly a rest day to catch up on household chores and the family while Sunday will be the SMART Tunnel Run 14K. I've yet to decide on how I want to run the race - do I run it at an easy pace or a tempo training, or a combo with the tempo pickup midway through the run? Either way, it will only be a training run for me contributing to the big picture.
Labels: Penang Marathon Training
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Wednesday @ KLCC
Once again I was late in starting my workout. After picking up Kenny's car keys (he was halfway his workout) to retrieve the SMART Tunnel Run bib and keeping it in my car, it was already 7:10pm. Started easily and after a couple of laps, I was on TK pace firstly with Kenny, then with Loco Lai and finally with Ah Toh. 3 different fast and loco runners. I did mention that the pace was TK pace and they were doing their warm down lap. Even so, I had to be careful so that Loco Lai didn't drag me along on his version of warm down pace. In the end I managed only 6 laps due to lack of time unless I want to reach home and have dinner at 9pm. Compared to energy, time is the greater enemy in marathon training for people like me. But it makes crossing the finish line even sweeter, knowing that we've successfully negotiated the various obstacles along the way.
Labels: Penang Marathon Training
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Happy Tuesday
Running at KLCC meant that I can gauge my fitness and pace again. The 1.3K lap allows one to monitor the splits closely and if one chooses to run there at least thrice a week, he/she can develop an acute sense of pace, like I did leading to my KLIM PR last year. The distance is short enough so that you can correct the pace quickly with each passing lap. Where I've been running the last 2 weeks (while on vacation), each lap is nearly 2K, which meant adjusting the next lap will have to be over the next 13.5 minutes or so, given my current pace. At KLCC, I can tweak my pace every 7:45 to 8 minutes.
After a conservative start, my lap times were getting faster and faster. I noticed that my pace isn't that far from my "home training" pace. In fact due to the undulating nature of my home route, I'm able to deal and run more comfortably at KLCC. It appears that my home route is helping me develop some strength! I finally spotted and lapped Cheong (he'd come late) en route to my 7 laps.
8:11 > 8:16 > 7:56 > 7:37 > 7:31 > 7:13 > 6:54
Total: 53:42, Average lap: 7:40 (or 5:53 road pace). Interestingly, a 7:40 KLCC pace will yield a 4:08 marathon.
When comparing the 53:42 I did just now with the distance I covered at home, I was surprised to find that I was able to cover a full K more at KLCC in the same given time than the home route. I will sleep happy tonight.
Labels: Penang Marathon Training
Monday, March 05, 2007
A Blessing In Disguise?
Labels: Penang Marathon Training, Work
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Continuing The Base Building Phase
Carbokid 2 had his second injection today. As expected the poor fella bawled but not for long. He has been very colicky of late and it can tax even the most patient caregivers. There's no way out except to comfort him the best we can and hope this phase passes quickly. C2 is definitely different from C1. C1 is darn tough even when he was small - so tough that the doctor was surprised that he (C1) didn't cry at each of his innoculation. Then C1 wasn't colicky at all and was quite problem free in his baby days.
Running was again around my housing area. TOF was 52 minutes and change, close to the timing and pacing of Monday's workout. I noticed that of late, I'm running at a faster pace, something I need to correct quickly as I look to extend my runs beyond 1 hour.
It's back to work! The 50 of us from the Tech Group went for a "hoi kong" lunch at the Minmax Restaurant. It was the 2nd 8-course meal I've had this Chinese New Year. I know, this is nothing compared to what some of you had had but I guess it's OK. Next Friday is when the real action will be - a Japanese Buffet dinner at Jagoya at the Starhill Centre. I believe it costs RM100+ per pax. They serve some very expensive stuff there, so my workouts next week will be geared in such a way that I can indulge in this dinner. Next Saturday's is our departmental Teambuilding with planned activities such as paintball and a spa session at one of the more expensive spas in PJ (can't remember the name). I've opted for a facial, body scrub and Japanese massage package. I will be sure to run hard the whole week and really enjoy the spa! On the work front, I counted 200+ emails waiting for me at the office which will definitely add to my list of outstanding items.
I ran with Newton (it was really some time since he ran) in the evening. Planned was 6 laps but we managed just 5 as he needed to return back to the office to clear more work. TOF for me was exactly 45 minutes.
An early date with Geraldine, Fook and Grace. It was nice to see Grace again and she seemed to have recovered from the knee injuries. As they proceeded to Hartamas, I did my usual 30 minutes out and 30 back routine and found that I completed the same distance 6 minutes faster. A "warmdown" jog with the Beginners around the lake completed my morning workout. The evening program will be some grocery shopping at Tesco, followed by an outing with a close friend to catch the Liverpool-Man United match. Once again MU didn't play with the kind of incisiveness during their charge to the title. But then, in the many seasons when they won the title, many games were decided in the final few minutes, with a bit of luck as well as some individual brilliance. And all that came together in the Anfield game. Liverpool will have felt hard done by but that's the nature of the game. The Kopites will have to try again next year. As for United, 2 more wins should more or less wrap things up. Woo hoo! Now to concentrate on the Champions League.
Clips from
Wrapped up the week with a LT workout. Total TOF was 40 minutes. There are loads of things to strategize at work tomorrow which will demand quite a bit of thinking but run I shall, in the evening. There will also be some planning required in the training aspect as next week will be the final week of base before the serious stuff come in.
Labels: Carbokid 2, Penang Marathon Training