Last Post Before The Race

In our personal journeys this Sunday, may we have:
- Equanimity
- Patience
- Focus
- Tenacity
- Affirmation
Labels: KLIM '08
p pol
Labels: KLIM '08
"Sit as little as possible. Give no credence to any thought that was not born outdoors, while one moved about freely - in which the muscles are not celebrating a feast too." Nietzsche
It all started with Carbokid 2's throat infection a couple of weeks back. He was also coughing and sporting a runny nose. It then spread to my Mom, who had a bit of sore throat - she's very resilient. Then C1 got a bit of a cough but thankfully nothing serious. That was when I got paranoid and started sanitizing all the door knobs, toilet fittings and anything else short of a person with antibacterial spray. I went so far as changing my sleeping T-Shirt everyday! Crazy right?
Luckily I've already been whacking close to 2,000mg of Vit C a day (spread out, of course) a month ago. Plus calcium, ACE, Fish Oil. Then my wife got it 2 days ago spewing millions of infectious microbes into the air. That suddenly raised the alert level to Severity 1 - Maximum Alert. I don't know whether it's psychosomatic or what but I feel a little lethargic. Hopefully that's all due to the very reduced running I've been doing during the tapering. My nose does get a little clogged in the early morning but mornings have been quite cold (we have the air-cond on throughout the night) and there've been an odd cough or two. I hope it doesn't get any worse than this or I'll be running like a mad yak (is there such a thing as a mad yak?) around the house! Do I need to walk around in a Hazmat suit?
Please, can Sunday come sooner?
Hazmat suits - NOT a fashion statement
Labels: KLIM '08
Labels: Gear Review
Labels: Movies
A peek into the weather forecast shows that it's going to be wet in the days leading to the race. Lows of 23C with 60% chance of rain. Indeed the weather has been gloomy in the evenings the past 3 weeks. At this juncture I won't take any risks running the rain but if there's going to be a downpour on race day, I'll say "BRING IT ON!" Just like sea monkeys, I come alive when I come into contact with rainwater during a race - Heh heh! Bad analogy.
Labels: KLIM '08, Ramblings, Wet Weather Running, Yasso 800s
Labels: KLIM '08
Labels: Ramblings
“I believe it’s jogging or yogging. It might be a soft ‘J.’ I’m not sure but apparently you just run for an extended period of time. It’s supposed to be wild.”
Ron Burgundy (played by Will Ferrell) in Anchorman.
I had a good night's sleep last night. Woke up late but still got in to work early, thanks to the free-flowing school holiday traffic. Speaking of school holiday, I'll be on leave this Friday. The clan will make a day trip to Genting so that the kids can have a run-around. This break will be good for all and will provide a refreshing change of scenery for the family since I've been spending the weekends hitting the roads the last month. Hope the weather will be cool, if not chilly, up there.
I plan to scale back this Saturday's mileage to just the Double Hill (instead of the 20Ks the last 2 weeks) so that I don't over-extend myself. After that I need to rush off to service the car. Time permitting in the evening, I'm going to bring C1 to watch "Dr Seuss' Horton Hears A Who". We both love Dr Seuss! Sunday will be the final round of 30ish. The legs are feeling good but this week will probably see a slight reduction of overall mileage.
I rested yesterday, so I'll be doing an easy 8-10K this evening.
Rivalling the Enron fiasco, the outgoing Selangor state administration was reported to be hunkered in their offices putting their shredder to malicious use. P&C documents including minutes of meeting and other files labelled Confidential were reportedly destroyed. We all know what happened to Enron and Arthur Andersen but will there be a persecution of the clear as day guilty parties? Even if they're allowed to get away scot-free in this life, they will answer to a higher power when they expire.
Which brings us to another kind of cleanup - the morbid kind. The much maligned personality who hogged headlines with his various misdeeds and palatial home finally met his maker early this morning. After countless of sticks of satay and no serving of oats, while exploiting his position for personal and family gains, he died of heart attack. He's so unliked outside his own circle that I won't even corrupt this blog by mentioning his name. You can read about the news here.
Labels: Ramblings
Labels: Ramblings
"What matters is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog"
Dwight D. Eisenhower
I love this quote! Especially after reading all the cooked up rubbish about the compromised indelible ink which will be used during this weekend's elections. I was so upset I wanted to scream "WTF?!" These idiots think we're fools. If I'm the saboteur, my aim would either be to wreck the votes by registering phantom voters, gerrymandering, stopping the oppositions' buses from travelling to the voting stations, buying votes - all low-down dirty tactics already employed. Why would I get these ink and go the difficult way? This tactic is pre-meditated. No such ink had been ordered from India. Probably the reported costs from the "purchased" ink had been used for other elections "activities".
The incumbent candidates (regardless of which parties they're from) who have performed well, worked honestly hard in their constituencies should not associate themselves with these plain rigging. They should defect to the Opposition or stand as an Independent. If they've been a performer, what have they to fear as the public will still support them? They should continue serving the people.
Labels: Rants
After 742K of service, I'm retiring my loyal 2120 from active duty. Honorably Discharged! The soles are worn but still OK - it hasn't eaten into the midsole - but the support and cushioning are gone. I made the mistake of wearing them for a run last week and felt like I was wearing a pair of clogs. It certainly wasn't love at first wear for me and it took about 70K for me to break them in. I'm a lightweight you see, so it takes a bit longer to break in new shoes. Same for the current pair of Kayano.
Do I need new rubbers? Yes! But since I'm already at the tail-end of the KLIM training, I'll put on hold any purchases and wait for the next round of mid-year discounts. I don't buy shoes that are on less than 30% discounts. Meanwhile I'll rely on my Kayano and Elite for rotation. In the event both pairs are wet from a wet run, I'll have to bring out the still serviceable Supernova and Axiom.
I'm eyeing the Cumulus 9, Nimbus 9, 2130 or Kayano 13. All asics of course! It's gonna be difficult choosing one from these 4 models!
Cumulus 9
Nimbus 9
Kayano 13
Labels: Running Shoes
Labels: KLIM '08 Base Phase
Labels: Ramblings