Monday, August 28, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
The Lull Is Coming To An End
Weekend plans are, besides clearing up the ironing, ferry the wife to work tomorrow, bring Carbo Kid to meet Bob The Builder at the GE Mall, taking the clan out for wife's Birthday meal (am thinking of the Manhattan Fish Market) on Sunday. Air quality notwithstanding, hopefully I can find some pockets of time to sweat it out.
The weather outside is shitty - a repeat of yesterday. I'm not going to be caught in the office till 9pm again. I'm going off at 5pm sharp.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
We Didn't Have This When We Were Kids

The Company From Beaverton, Oregon
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Game For Something Different?
Friday, August 18, 2006
Fare-Thee-Well My Kelisa!
I walked Carbo Woman thru the steps to use the origami seats last night and transferred the necessary stuff like the tissue box, umbrellas and Glock (kidding on this one!) from the old car. I also bought a small container to keep all my running gear in the boot - this way it's neater and much more organized. Then came the adjustment of the seat height
1) A topped-up tank costs RM70. Consumption has been excellent. After 70+K, the needle hasn't moved a bit.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
3:00 And That's NOT My Marathon PR!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Who I Used To Think About Into My 13th KLCC Lap

Kong or any other hot-blooded male will swoon.
Lucky Sean Penn!

An Applegate a day keeps the doctor away.
Doesn't she look like Naomi?

Ever resplendent. Oh Charlize Charlize.....

Bridget or not, cinya cute!

Debra Messing - looking a bit like Audrey Hepburn
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Ka Ay Sui (Very Nice) Nia!

Terry Fox Run
The front has the Terry Fox quote: The Running I Can Do Even If I Have To Crawl Every Last Mile
Back quote: Don't Run Away. Run With Us

Everyone can do the marathon! If Terry could do it, why not you?

Get the T-Shirt, be inspired to run!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
6 Laps Nia
Monday, August 07, 2006
Cinya Low Mileage Nia
Cinya Hoe Liao

Sunday, August 06, 2006
7 To 8K Nia
Friday, August 04, 2006
5 Laps Nia
Today's been pretty good. I had lunch with Justin, checked out some running "hardware" with him, got off exactly at 5pm, collected by Tourist In Paradise CD from Sim and ran 5 laps at the park.
I was on such an endorphin high that even missing out on my department Phuket trip next month didn't result in me banging my head on the lamp post or jumping in front of an oncoming car - you get the drift. Do you see how running can smoothen the rough edges that Life dishes out to you? How it can lessen the disappointment didn't matter so much? That's why I needed to run. It makes me a better person. Therefore I can fully understand Justin's frustration of being called back to office. He was to have joined us at the Park.
The weather today was the total opposite of the previous 2 days. I believe the temp was around 33C and only the wind (at the ESSO stretch) prevented me from melting. Sim was hammering a quick pace and I was pretty contented to "stroll" at my own speed. I was very happy to clicked off a very consistent 3 laps, after which I quickened the pace to finish the final one below 7 minutes.
I've posted some pictures which I took using the S3. You can check them out here. I'll be posting more photos as I get acquainted with the camera.
I'll be able to put in another 12K+ tomorrow morning and that should be considered good already for me. Have a good weekend.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Canon Powershot S3 IS

Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Penang Bridge Run 2006 - Race Report
I'm writing this after some considerable toil this morning. My legs are tight and a little sore but it could've worse. At least I get to put in nearly 2 hours' worth of sleep this afternoon. The Penang Bridge Run (PBR) has that effect on you. It has to be the earliest starting road race in the country. The Marathon kicks off at 4:30am and the Half (22.3K in this case) starts at 5:30am. So you really have to be a hardened creature to be still standing post-race afternoon.
The trip up to my birthplace the day before was smooth. The anticipated traffic nightmare didn't materialize, much to our relief. Some of my friends had already left KL on Friday night - I suspect because of the gastronomic lure of the Northern state. Only when I stopped to refuel at the Bukit Gantang stop did I realize that one of my credit cards were missing from my wallet. After calling the Bank to cancel it, I spent the remaining part of the journey fretting and irritated about my carelessness. I must have neglected from collecting the card on Friday night. At least there were no unauthorized transactions since the loss.
I managed to grab some pasta lunch at Gurney Plaza while catching up with my brother (who was down to run the Half as well). Then I popped into the GNC outlet and was surprised to see that they stocked GU gel. I'm curious to try it out. At a price of RM8 a sachet, it's very expensive. After that it was back to the house to catch a nap and at about 5pm I joined some of the gang at Swatow Lane for some real Penang food. Of the large group anticipated, only Justin and Jeanne, Adam, Chin and I made it. Ronnie had bailed out unwilling to incur the wrath of his sister - eat with her or risk being eaten! Nevertheless Justin assaulted the hawker fares and wolfed down whatever they dished out. The bowl to human ratio was high. I wanted to record the feasting but it was then did my camera decided to call it quits. The CCD had screwed up for the second time and this time it's no longer warrantied. All the photos turned out purplish and distorted.
It's turning into a trip of attrition. This year's PBR was to be the swansong race of my excellent 2005 Pegasus. Unfortunately my credit card and my camera had decided to join the list. After a dinner of home-cooked food, it was lights out. My son thankfully decided to call it a day too, which meant that all of us could have a good rest.
I set my alarm for 3:50am and was out in a jiffy. Everything has been laid out the night before, so there was little I needed to do except to get to as near to the start at USM as possible. Major access roads leading to the place has been closed as early as 3am for the marathoners and with the narrow Penang roads and countless cars, it can be difficult to navigate and search for a parking spot. I settled for one about 10 minutes' walk away. Nearing the main USM gate, someone shouted at me and turning I saw my running friends sitting on the road, grinning away. It was nice to see familiar faces in the sea of humans. A quick survey showed that most are recreational participants. Meanwhile the marathoners passed by us on the other side of the road.
Before long we were let into the campus ground and made our way to the field towards another exit gate where we again waited. Finally the crowd applauded which meant that we could exit the campus and head towards the starting line. I walked to Justin and told him that hopefully it won't turn out into a running start for us. Soon enough, the crowd starting easing up around us and started running. True to our fears, the race had started and we were still about 200metres from the starting line! We didn't hear the bang of the gun! Thus began our scramble to make up for lost ground. I didn't even notice the well-known VIP who did the flagging off, but I did say "Hi" to Runwitme.
Shuffling at a brisk pace (too brisk in fact), I passed Dinesh just before we entered onto the bridge but was soon overtaken by Haris (who would finish in an excellent time). There was quite a strong head-wind blowing which made proceedings rather challenging especially near the mid-span. It wasn't too fun in the other parts too since the bridge authorities had erected 6 ½ feet dividers. That meant we couldn't see the opposite side and the returning runners and marathoners. This was a bummer but my spirits were lifted whenever I chanced upon the marathoners. I was envious yet inspired of those guys but I had to play the pragmatic card - with no training, it would've been suicide for me to attempt the full distance!
Just before the climb up the mid-span, I found myself running alongside a fellow who was totally engrossed with his MP3 player. Suddenly he broke into the chorus of Bryan Adams' "Please Forgive Me". You encounter these fellas in nearly every race. He sang "...I know not what I'd do. Please forgive me, I just can't stop loving you." I could see that he was totally pumped up and my pace took me past him. A couple of minutes later there was a crashing noise and when I turned around, I saw him sprawled on the tarmac. He ran into a traffic cone!
Except for that boo-boo by the singer, it was turning out to be a little boring for me as I crank out a reasonably quick pace. I reached mid-span in 30 minutes, which meant that I ran at a sub 5:15 pace. I hit the Prai-side water station in 1:01. I would later pay the price of that folly. I'd been running steadily but what hit me, besides the head-wind was the humidity (the wind wasn't that cooling) and the extreme thirst! I was so darn thirsty no matter how many cups of water I gulped down. I even grabbed a full bottle of ice-cold water but still I wasn't satiated. There was sufficient water provided but no isotonics.