p pol The Adventures of Carboman: 6 Laps Nia

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

6 Laps Nia

With the huge project - for simplicity sake let's call it Project KNN henceforth - in between phase, I've been able to run a bit more these days. This is merely a lull in the storm as things will once again heat up sometime end of this month. All the runs had been satisfying albeit the first few being tough. All these are expected really what with my present rustiness. But my conditioning has seen some measure of turnaround the last 2 workouts.
So far my runs are all done in the region of between 40 to 45 minutes. My estimation would put their distances between 7 to 8K. Half the runs were done on hot conditions which made completing them even more satisfying. By learning to overcome these adverse conditions using the mind, I've reason to believe that I no longer dread the heat as much. Besides I'd take the heat anytime rather than letting the bloody haze derail my runs, case in point yesterday!
I shall not go into specifics such as my splits and pace but today's workout has exceeded my expectations. Starting the first 2 laps conservatively with Rohaizad, I then ran the 3rd to the 5th at nearly even but much faster splits with Justin. At least to me, these 3 laps were done at unthinkable pace - I never thought that in my completely untrained condition I was able to do that, what more while chatting! At Justin's prompting I went for another one at a much slower pace. In fact we had to consciously reduce the pace by 30 secs.
So it was another good run for me, the best stretch in a long time. Hopefully with Justin working in the vicinity of KLCC this week will see me logging some decent sessions for the remaining part of the week. It was a good day for KLCC park too - it has been a long time since the park saw 6, okay 5 (discounting Fook), Pacemakers doing the laps. If you're a Pacemaker and wasn't there yesterday, where were you?? Come lah and join us, Pacemaker or not!


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