Time flies! We’re now in March and that means it’s now 3 months since I last ran more than twice a week. As the project grinds towards the development and UAT stage, there are so much more things to do, and they were always due last week. Case in point today, which is a nationwide public holiday. Yet there are close to 30 of us back in the office. Not counting the hundred odd more from the regional countries in the multiple project meetings in Singapore.
Lunch time is now most of the project members’ favorite time since we can step out of the office. There were exceptions like Thursday last week, however, when I had some pressing matters to settle. So I made the piece of chicken chop, large dollop of mash potatoes and salad vanish within 10 minutes. It proved to be a long day that day – I only managed to leave the office at 10:15pm. As I chewed on dinner back home at 11pm, I mistook the piece of vegetable on my plate for a toad. Yeah, I really needed to rest.
I also really need to pace myself, not like a marathoner but like an ultra runner. The stress level will not see a reduction for another 8 months so as part of the stress management strategy, a couple of my colleagues and I have begun hopping out of the office for a walk around the park at about 6pm. 30 minutes away from the office does wonders and I almost immediately lighter. Other than the walks I’m also hitting the stairs. Instead of taking the lift up 15 floors, I get the chance to work out the lungs and legs, when getting back to the office after lunch. Don’t get me wrong, it’s tough and I get to my floor huffing and puffing. Definitely not in shape.
I started today with a 10.6K run with Lionel and Frank, which I surprisingly completed strongly. “Strongly” was an average pace of 6:05 or so. Good enough for me. A nice super-refreshing cold shower followed by a plate of nasi lemak with a piece of fried chicken took care of the hunger pangs. It’s been awhile since my last nasi lemak, by the way. With my non-existent exercise regime of late. I’ve to watch what I eat. Whenever I take such deliciously unhealthy food, I make it a point to follow up the meal with a large bowl of oats. As we nudge the big four-oh, we can’t afford to take chances.

Nasi lemak, yummm.
Labels: Ramblings