Saturday & Sunday
I had to skip my duties as co-emcee at the PACM Annual Dinner (for photos hit this link) on Saturday as my cough was still a problem. It acts up when I talk a bit more and before it hits, the stubborn phlegm would cause some hoarseness in my voice - something you wouldn't like to get when you're emceeing right? I hope I didn't cause too much inconvenience to the club.
Rest and free time have been rare commodities lately and I was putting the finishing touches to the hobby-business-web project that's already due. Having stayed up till 1:30am to finish it (finally!), I was awakened by Carbokid at 7:30am on Sunday morning. Then the entire day was spent "entertaining" his whims at Ikea, Ikano and The Curve. Shared the Ikea fish and chips with the wife for brunch and later lunched (3pm) at the Hometown Coffee Shop at The Curve. The nasi lemak was lousy but the nyonya laksa was passable. Shared a glass of iced tea with wife. The pricing, I felt, was horrendous. Carbokid later demanded toast bread and we bought him a set (2 slices of bread) of it to go with a glass of soya bean drink. The bill? RM4.80! I know that we're expected to pay these kind of prices at these kind of places but it's still cut-throat. A 40 cent half boiled egg at home will cost you double that price at such eateries and these are the places that are crawling with customers every weekend. We're being scalped.
Just before we left, I made a rush to the Brooks boutique and was surprised that they stocked plenty of hard-to-get items. Spotted the specialised socks, the well-reviewed Waterboy bottles (2 types, including the waist pouched version), some great looking technical wear and a very cool looking cap. Their shoes too were very up-to-date and I think I might give the Glycerin a try when I have time. I walked out of the shop with the handheld contoured Waterboy but it was the pouched version that I was drooling for. If you didn't know, Brooks is one of the few running-only brand out there, so they're very much in the know about the sport.

The Waterboy handheld - the colour I bought was blue (RM42). With this I no longer need to carry my waist pouch for runs up to 20K.

The Glycerin 4 - I didn't buy this (RM336 before 30% off)

The Waterboy hydration pack that doesn'tbouce nor slosh, minus the Camelbak bulkiness) - RM170
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