p pol The Adventures of Carboman: New Book On Parenting

Monday, January 23, 2006

New Book On Parenting

I read in The Sun newspaper (Jan 18th) that there's a new book out called Wow by Vasanthi Ramachandran (Pelanduk Publications, RM23). In the short book review, a phrase in the book caught my eye. It said "Say it with pride that you are a mother. Live your life in such an exemplary manner that when your children think of excitement, they think of you." I think that's a fantastic approach not only in excitement but for other qualities in life such as honesty, humbleness among many others. I believe it also applies to fathers as well.

The book is about how to develop the personality of the mother who has the most important role in shaping the character of her children. The author believes that the mother as the role-model needs to read, exercise, dance, have a great sense of humour, and enjoy life. Only then can she ingrain these feelings into her children.

At RM23, I think it's a steal but I can't seem to find it in the bookstores.


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