p pol The Adventures of Carboman: Where In The World Is Carbo Man?

Friday, August 19, 2005

Where In The World Is Carbo Man?

Yes, yes. It's been a very quiet week for me. In case you're wondering, I've not gone into hibernation nor suddenly develop a case of anti-social behavior. The reason being I was away on a 4-day Project Management course at the Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) just 500 meters away from my office. It was a thoroughly eye opening period for the 22 of us and we've came away with many ideas and learnings. As with most theories, the challenge is putting them into practise especially with different methodologies employed by different corporations.

On running? My arch enemies out there will be happy to know that I've not run for 2 weeks. The completion of the course yesterday was, in fact, a relief to me as we had to study for the daily and final-day exams. As expected when I opened my office email this morning, nearly a hundred mails were awaiting my response. Sigh... I'll resume my run this Sunday.


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