Nike+ Human Race 10K - Singapore

Go global
Nike Sales Malaysia's invitation to participate in the Singapore leg of the Human Race was too good to turn down especially when the city state was the only South East Asia venue to host this global event. Trust it to the sports marketing giant to put on a superb show, uniting 25 cities, celebrity runners and iconic athletes, and not to forget one million runners together for the benefit of 3 charitable organizations (20% of the registration fees go to the runner's charity of choice). For this to work, Nike latched on to the power of the Internet, weaving the event promotion, registration, and training into their Nike+ portal. This allows participants to set up virtual challenges and log their training. Those who couldn't make it to the appointed venues could also run the race virtually. The choice of date was significant since it's to take place on Malaysia's Independence Day - 31.8.2008. Each registrant has their own selection of beneficiary for personal reasons and believing that children are indeed our future, my choice was
About the charities
The campaign was created in 2006 by the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) in partnership with Nike and Microsoft. The goal of the campaign is to give more than nine million children better access to education, sport and technology by 2010. The website exists to raise funds, but also to give voice to those who often go unheard, allowing visitors to see pictures of the camps where children pass much of their lives, read refugee children's stories and understand what refugee children's lives are like.
Lance Armstrong Foundation
The Lance Armstrong Foundation - LAF - was founded in 1997 by cancer survivor and champion cyclist Lance Armstrong. The LAF is a nonprofit organization located in Austin, Texas focusing on providing practical information and tools people with cancer need to live life on their own terms. LAF's agenda include Prevention, Access to screening and care, Improvement of the quality of life for cancer survivors and Investment in research.
World Wildlife Fund
WWF was born into this world in 1961. Since those early days WWF has grown up to be one of the largest environmental organizations in the world. Currently there are more than 1300 WWF conservation projects underway around the world. Almost all WWF's work involves partnerships with local non-profit agencies and other global NGOs.
A scare
My participation, however, was nearly derailed by the muscle strain I picked up just 3 days before race day. Luckily I recovered enough to make the trip down, even though I was a little stoned by the muscle relaxants! Everything had been arranged by Nike from our flight and hotel stay to race pack collection, and thanks to Frank who helped pick up the flight tickets, all I needed to do was to be at the KLIA on Saturday morning. I was the first to arrive and soon enough I was joined by Frank and Pueh Tian. We killed time at McDonald's while waiting for the boarding time. Only at the waiting lounge did we linked up with Niki Cheong from The Star and Richard Augustin from the TimeOut KL magazine.
Our ride in the tiny 737 was pretty bumpy and there were so much thick clouds that I knew it would be a wet weekend. We cleared customs very quickly and before long reached the Gallery Hotel soon enough. There were many banners promoting Sunday's race from the ECP stretch all the way into the CBD area and the results show - due to the level of awareness generated, Singapore was the first country to fill up and close the registration process. I'd say it's a result of good marketing, a large population of fitness enthusiasts and a credit to the Singapore government's health and fitness programs.
For the rest of the report (plenty of photos!) hit this link.
Labels: Nike+ Human Race 10K, Race Report
did the sponsor also come with an agreement to blog about the event cos all three of you seemed to have the same photos and heaps of praise verging on toadying to the organisers;)
well, since i don't have to suck up to nike, my honest observation of the race from london is that the concert was complete rubbish. it was superfluous and a red herring to the main event, which was running. you can google anyone who blogged about the race and you'll find them complaining about the same thing.
other than that and the weather, i must attest it was a well-organised run.
and well done to you guys!;)
Yap! It's 3088.., at 1:06 AM
yes, it WAS a great event in SG. having subscribed to various forums including the RW and private running ones where reports came in for the NYC and London race, I knew that other countries had it bad, from start time, forced concert before the race, dark streets, wet weather with puddles etc.... the list made the whole thing sound like an FTAAA event.
i provided the forum feedback to the Nike MY team to take it up with their regional counterparts. in all honesty i think the SG and MY Nike offices put lots of effort into it - probably a combo of kiasu spirit and better experiences.
we weren't forced to write about it if that's what you meant. but it's implied that since we were fully sponsored there, we were courteous enough to report it - in any case, we always report about our runs anyway.
same photos were due to frank, pt and i hanging out together. the reporters from star and timeout had their own partying plans, and we more "boring" fellas took the shopping route.
Jamie Pang, at 7:24 AM
I agree with carboman that the event at Singapore was superbly organised. Not perfect, but almost there. From what I (we) had observed, a lot of effort has been put in during the making of it. They really deserve a pat on their back. As for how the other countries fared, it's really sad to know, and perhaps they will be able to learn from it from the feedbacks given.
Not that we were force to blog, but it's our interest to do so. The purpose of blogging is to share our stories and experience with others, and not forgeting that it also serves as a memory for ourselves and also the next generation.
Frank Chong, at 1:55 PM
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Ed Hardy, at 4:13 AM
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