Hot Penang!
I found myself back in Penang this week again, this time with the family. The sole purpose is to collect all the necessary "equipment" and foodstuff in anticipation of the January delivery. The relatives and family members had purchased all the herbs, liquor, ingredients for confinement use and with about a month to go, it's time to get all these things ready. My Mom will be bringing the dried foodstuff and remaining items next week. The car was packed to the brim and the boot even had the bathing tub for the baby plus all his clothes. Penang was so darn hot that we checked into a hotel for one night just to escape it - besides it gave Carbo Kid a chance to thrash the pool. It only rained on our last night on the island!
Jamie it must be exciting and tiring at the same time. How is carbokid taking it? I can't imagine myself going through this now if I had to. Hope it goes well for you.
Unknown, at 8:10 PM
It's mostly tiring and stressful. So much so I get too caught up in the to-dos than to experience the process of expecting again. Carbo Kid 1 is pretty adapted except that sometimes he doesn't understand why the mother can no longer sit on the floor and play with him. 1 more month to go!
Jamie Pang, at 10:48 PM
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