Rush, Rush, Rush!
The pace has been frenetic as I'm single-mindedly clearing off as much work as possible before my 2-week compliance vacation. I'm typing this as my stress relief - take my mind off work for 10 minutes. My vacation starts with the Penang 12-Hour Walk and continues until Dec 7th. Though I won't be travelling anywhere, I've lined up a series of tasks to complete during that period, which is mostly to do with prepping the home for the arrival of Carbo Kid 2.
IOI Super Short Report
Other matters are so far away from my mind that I don't think I'm getting around to writing my IOI Run report. But I'll still try to put the whole race into a couple of lines. Bottomline is that I'm quite happy with my 38:34 timing, which is roughly 5:05 pace over 7.6K of hilly/undulating terrain. Only a bad stomach cramp in the right region prevented me from finishing the last 2K in typical barnstorming fashion.
12-Hour Walk
As for my preps for the 12-Hour walk, my return ticket is bought and by this Sunday, Tey should also have bought the KL-PG ticket. A word of thanks is in order for Chin and Tey for helping me with the tickets. I'm going into the walk with absolutely no training but strangely I'm not feeling anything (eg trepidation) except excitement. Perhaps the fear will set on me closer to the date. My loadup for the walk will be for the most part similar to a marathon, except for a spanking new iPod shuffle (see how small it is!) and a bicep pouch to keep the player and a packet of gel and camera-phone. At the athlete's area I'll have a couple of Endurox and Recovery sachets, another pack of gel and spare vest and socks and my sandal. I'll also bring along my rain jacket as it's been wet the past week in Penang. I did a 20minx2 fast walk last week just to test the NB890 and it failed me. At the end of the exercise, my right plantar hurt like helll. Looks like I need to call up my Pegasus to do the job.

NB Boutique @ Pyramid
If you love NB socks, you need to check out the latest NB boutique at the Pyramid mall. They stock imported technical running socks which sells for RM29 per pair. There are 2 types - the typical technical one and another called NBX racing socks which are thinner. I have to many new pairs that I don't need another pair. So there's no review here.
The company will be having a Community Service Amazing Race ala Treasure Hunt this weekend to Bukit Merah Laketown Resort. The Carbo Clan won't be hunting but will head to the resort directly. En route ,we drop by the Taiping Zoo. None of us has been there before and it should be fun for Carbo Kid 1. The trip north is more for him as he can play for hours in the water park. So this should be the last posting till next week.
how much u pay for the Shuffle??
C-CUBE, at 9:53 AM
wow! The iPod is beautiful!
pm19, at 10:17 AM
CCube: Retail price of RM399. Bought it at Best Denki KLCC. The first time I saw it on the shelves anywhere.
Jamie Pang, at 9:46 PM
Wohooo!!! you bought the shuffle liao! Wa..really small la...really dahsyat liao. Anyway, I am currently looking at the 30gb Ipod....I really lau nuar at it....
Boon Haw, at 12:14 PM
pyramid mall kat mana eh?
Anonymous, at 3:19 PM
Couldn't identify u at the walk. How many laps did u finish? I only managed 60, & got DQ for 1, to finish at 14 for the Senior Vets. Guess I managed to give Peter a scare when I raced past him at the 2nd last lap. I must have been the oldest finisher at 65.
When will the results be posted in championchip?
kc, at 6:01 AM
KC: Thanks for visiting my blog. 'Twas my maiden walk and I didn't do well. My report will be up in a couple of days. I think you did well. Heard that the results will be posted in a week's time.
Jamie Pang, at 5:01 PM
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