p pol The Adventures of Carboman: I Run, Therefore I Am Nuts by Bob Schwartz

Monday, March 14, 2005

I Run, Therefore I Am Nuts by Bob Schwartz

I was surprised that Kinokuniya @ KLCC stock this book. In fact, I've been tempted more than once to get it off Amazon. It's a tongue in cheek look at the quirkiness of runners which I can easily identify. The short articles are a pleasure to read, very funny and poke fun at ourselves.

In the "Runner's Better Half", Schwartz summarizes the wedding vows of the runner should be read as "To love, honor, and cherish for faster or slower, for sweaty or clean, in lactic-acid buildup and perpetual carbo-loading".

Or his laugh out loud "Kenyan Water Aerobics" where "the uncoordinated venture into cross training machinery for the mechanically challenged".

When the introduction talks about how runners are the only ones to try eating corn flakes with Gatorade, wearing the latest weather proof clothing in the shower to test it out (I did that to my ClimaFIT cap and jacket!!!), or going ga-ga over the latest running magazines with the latest shoe reviews, measuring the resting heart rate eevry morning, giving bite-size energy bars for Halloween, you know you're in for a good ride!

Indeed only runners understand runners. So I don't only fully recommend this book to my fellow road hogs but (perhaps more importantly!) also to our spouses, family members, friends, colleagues, lovers and whoever who can't seem to understand our passion and craze for this "absurd past time".


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