p pol The Adventures of Carboman: Reading Now...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Reading Now...

"Racing is the lovemaking of the runner. It's hard to pass up. A runner has few friends, and they are always other runners. The place to meet them is at the races."
George Sheehan, runner & philosopher.
After finally wrapping up John Bryant's simply excellent London Marathon, I'm now belatedly reading Dr George Sheehan's "Running & Being: The Total Experience". Widely acknowledged to be the Bible in running philosophy and the instigator to many's decision to take up the sport, I chanced upon this used copy by way of my friend. Thankfully he let me buy off him. So everynight I find myself immersed in his writing - ever so deep, yet perfectly lucid. I'm astonished by the fact that I'm only reading this after taking up the sport for more than 20 years. But like they say, better late than never, and I hope to get more wisdom off this book to complement the ones I picked up from reading his "Going the Distance: One Man's Journey to the End of His Life". Oh yeah, if you think the man on the cover is just another old geezer you can pass in a road race, you'd be interested to know that he ran a 3:01 marathon at the age of 61.  
Related sites: Running with Doc Sheehan | Steve Runner's Podcast dedicated Dr Sheehan (MP3, right click and select "Save Target As") explaining the impact the book has on him as a person - highly recommended listening.


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