Penang Bridge Marathon 2007 Race Report
This marathon was a classic case where the training went much better than the race. Having started my comeback in February, and moving into more serious stuff in April, I'd at least expected meeting 2 of my 3 goals. The base goal was to finish, the second was to PR under 4:26 and the bonus was to dip below 4 hours. The more my training progressed, the stronger the indications were, pointing to a good performance. I'd never run a marathon before in my home state and I'd wanted to make this a memorable outing....(to read the full report complete with photos, click this link).
Labels: Penang Marathon, Race Report
Wah You reminded me so much of my 1st full marathon and it was also the Penang Bridge Marathon (1998 edition). Then, I ran into great difficulty by km25 and suffered the remaining 17km. I could almost see myself in that "Khan Khor" look in your photo and everything that attacked the poor mind at that time. I could hear my brain screaming out never another marathon, NEVER! But upon relection now, I really cherished those extreme painful moments because I think they made me into a more mature & stronger marathoner. Let's do the Boston!
I am so happy to see you are out of this so fast with chin up & head high. cinya salute!
Will be seeing you doing great exploits soon.
A bien tôt!
p/s just received the DVD " The art & science of running - Jack Daniels" this afternoon,wohooh!
CP Waterman, at 3:56 AM
Hi Jamie,
I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience in Penang Run. However, you still did very well considering you still hit sub 5 hours despite your back pains. Get some rest bro and try again in your next marathon. Cheers
Tan BoSe, at 10:11 AM
I see your are already plotting your next marathon race.
I used to get lower back pain way back in 2002. When I was standing up too long (30 minutes) or ran more than 10km. I did some crunches (low weight and high reps) on the weight machine and six months later I was OK. My back is still OK now although I have stopped doing weights.
krunner, at 2:07 PM
Great effort Jamie. I can imagine the heartache at that point. You will surely nail it eventually!
Unknown, at 5:37 PM
hi jamie,
Great report..but sub 5 hours not bad lah..
keep on running dude..
yipwt, at 11:17 PM
very well written Jamie,u take it easy of the back thingy.
Nonetheless,the courage to complete despite the pain is aspiring to many runners like us.
Raymond, at 11:47 AM
lets Rock KLIM08 together again.
C-CUBE, at 1:19 PM
running with a PB in mind normally cause dissapointment. Despite your bad problem, you have have timming that some can only dream of. Take it easy and rest to run on another day.
kops21, at 7:44 PM
thanks everyone for your comments. i'm already plotting ahead. see you on the roads!
Jamie Pang, at 9:12 PM
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